Basundi is an Indian sweet mostly in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Telangana and Karnataka. It is a sweetened condensed milk made by boiling milk on low heat until the milk is reduced by half. In North India, a similar dish goes by the name rabri. It is often made on Hindu festivals such as Kali Chaudas and Bhaubeej. Source: Wikipedia
- 2 ltr Full Fat Milk
- 2 cup Sugar, White / சர்க்கரை, வெள்ளை
- ½ cup Almond / பாதாம் - cut into small pieces
- ½ cup Pistachio / பிஸ்தாப் பருப்பு - cut into small pieces
- ½ cup Cashew nut / முந்திரிப் பருப்பு - cut into small pieces
- 50 gm Cashew nut / முந்திரிப் பருப்பு - powdered
- 2 nos Cardamom, Green / ஏலக்காய் - powdered
- 10 strands Saffron / குங்குமப் பூ
- Pour milk in a heavy bottomed pan and bring to a boil
- Simmer the flame and allow the milk to shorten for about 45min - stir occasionally so that the milk does not burn at the bottom
- Add saffron and mix well and allow to shorten for another 30min
- Add cut almond, cashew nuts and mix well
- Continue to shorten the milk while almond, cashew cooks well in the milk
- Add pistachio and mix well for another 30min
- Now milk should be half the original quantity
- Add powdered cashew and mix well with out forming lumps and continue milk to shorten for about 15min
- Add sugar and mix well to allow all sugar is dissolved
- Add cardamom powder and mix well
- Garnish with extra almond, cashew, pistachio and serve hot or cold
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